Sunday 24 April 2011

Sunset Surprise - Babies #27, 28 and 29

Surprisingly, my day was going pretty darn south. First of all, I have one baby and two toddlers who really do scream for attention all the time. Then I have to make sure the kids and teens do their homework and don't slouch. At the same time, they also want to go to their friends' house. Am I a terrible mother,  barely being able to spend time with all my kids.

Grace, my big sister who's luckily not mad at me, took them off of my hands, even though I protested. A lot. Apparently they're going out for Thai food.

So here I was, at the beach, alone. Watching the beautiful, beautiful sunset. How I could have moved away from Sunset Valley to Bridgeport is still a mystery to me.

My artistic side came up more than I wanted. I found myself eagerly looking at the surroundings, trying to memorize many of it for a future painting. If only I had my camera.

It was in this moment, I realized I wasn't alone anymore.

"My, my... Destiny Rose... I never imagined finding you here. The kids becoming too hectic?" a voice chuckled behind me, the sand crunching beneath his shoes.

I whirled around, to be face-to-face with a blue colored man, with the lightest blue eyes and red-and-white hair. I smiled as I recognized him.

"Edwin Ramona. Fancy meeting you here."

"Seriously, Edwin. It's not necessary for you to sneak up on me. Next time walk around me, and then introduce yourself properly!" my voice sounded accusingly as I said this. Just as well. I was accusing him.

My apologies, I haven't introduced him. This blue-colored man is Edwin Ramona, whom I know as a childhood friend. I didn't know why, but my friends were sometime rainbow colored. From red to blue, from pink to purple. They were mocked for being different. But I never cared. I thought they were much more special than us normal skin colored peeps. I actually envied them for being different.

"After all these years, your still jumpy? I thought you'd grow out of that. Still so scared of surprises? Here's another one, or two. I live with Adriano Constantine, whom I think you should know. And two... I'd like to be a part of your baby challenge."

I couldn't suppress a gasp. Okay, he was currently living with the father of baby #24 and 25, okay sure. But be a part of the 100 baby challenge? Not expected.

Could my childhood friend really be a daddy? I've went through this with Toby, and it was awkward to say the least. Maybe I should this plan this better than the previous time. No physical contact, like kisses, that should be important this time. 

I wasn't able to speak just yet, as words deserted me. As it got late, I motioned him towards my car, and we drove to my house. I saw Kate and Scarlett at the bistro. I so wished I could talk to them.

So I pulled the car over. Edwin and I could just as well have something to eat.

Destiny - Pretty good food, or what do you say? I'm not such a fan of raw fish, but it's okay.
Edwin - Yeah, not to bad. Listen, about...
Destiny - Don't talk. Eat. Or you'll choke.

The next moment I looked up, I saw Edwin coughing and clutching at his chest. I had told him not to talk while eating.

Destiny - I would say 'I told you so', but as that really is a clichè by now, I will rather say 'I informed you thusly'. I informed you thusly.
Edwin - (coughing) Thanks, your a real sweetheart.

Kate and Scarlett had disappeared, so I couldn't speak to them about their lives. So Edwin and I got back into the car. We didn't say much on the trip. I think he was still mad at me for making fun of him as he choked.

When I walked through the door, the first thing I saw was Matthew doing exercises in front of the television. I wonder if he'll run marathons when he's older. Hmm.

Destiny - Looking good, Matt! Keep at it and you'll become a great athlete.
Matt - Thanks, mom?

An awkward moment follows as Edwin follows me in. Maybe I should have picked a better time.

I tugged at Edwin's arm and lead him around back; hopefully Matthew wouldn't think anything suspicious of that.

Edwin - What are you doing? There is a door leading to the hot tub you know, as far as I can see.
Destiny - Think of it as adventure!
Edwin - But seriously! Why do we have to climb over this fence?
Destiny - I didn't want my kids to think... Well, I didn't want to make it obvious.
Edwin - Huh?
Destiny - Never mind!

I got into the hot tub first, with my head leaning against the steps, when Edwin cleared his throat. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, and placed my arm around his neck. I couldn't really call it 'cuddling'. And so, the deed was done.

As we got out, Edwin's hand reached to help me, which I brusquely brushed off, and I gave him a curt goodbye. He didn't react as if he was hurt, which slightly made me feel better. He put his clothes on and, this time, he went out the front door. Crap.

Glancing out the window, I saw how Edwin strutted off. Hmm, maybe he wasn't mad after all.

I shrugged that off, and called the kids inside for the important part of the evening; birthdays!

Matthew was surrounded by the same red sparks as his brother Elijah. Vampires. I still couldn't get used to the idea. I had some birthday celebration tools, like streamers, balloons. But in this case, I took out the trumpet and cheered for my kids!

Matthew, lovely Matthew. His confidence has grown so much from when he was a child and teenager. He dropped his childish ways, surprisingly, and wants to become a hardcore athlete and trainer, for the less privileged. So with a wave, Matt left.

"He'll be on TV... That's for sure," I mutter as he jogs off. Cars are for sissies he reasons.

I cry as I look at Jay. Looking at him is like looking at Corbin. They look so much alike, from the pale glossy skin, to the attractive, fine nose. But Corbin is in the past, I keep reminding himself. AND he's moved on. But I'll get to that later.

Gardenia (first pic) and Garcia (second pic) are gorgeous, just like their father (and their mother...>.>)! Gardenia chose more boyish clothes, as she states its much more comfortable than anything else. She chose cute, spiky pigtails as her hairstyle, and it suits her just fine!

Garcia is the fashionista of the two; she hates mud, so she refuses to play outside with her sister. And she secretly stole my hair straightener machine to give herself a trendy cut. I think I already know what she's gonna be when she grows up.

Oh, Eleazar! Where do they get their super CUTENESS! I was a tad bit disappointed to see her didn't have any of his father's unique styles or traits. No purple hair and so purple eyes for Eleazar Rose! Funnily enough, he has the same strange blonde hair that Gardenia has.

With the kids asleep, I secretly did something on my own; dance, dance, dance! I'm pretty shy about dancing in front of my kids. I'm already planning on having 100 kids, or even more. No need for them to think I'm even more crazy than that!

This night, I tried out some more modern moves, but the hard truth was; it didn't suit me at all.

With a sigh, I relented, and left for my room for a nap. The covers were soft to the touch. Unfortunately, the fabric UNDER the covers weren't so silky, so I much preferred sleeping above the blankets.

I was awakened in the morning by Eleazar crying. Not good. This meant that I had slept for too long and the kids had to go to school already... Oh no. I ran to their rooms to find they were already gone. So they were hopefully already at school. I picked up Eleazar from his crib and took him to my personal bathroom. I placed him in the tub and filled it to half full. Nope, even that didn't calm him down. Whatever the case, I gave him a much needed bath.

After the bath, I immediately went to work teaching my little son all of his skills.

"Eleazar, sweet Eleazar... Did you know you newest sibling is almost here? What do you hope for, a brother or a little sister?"

"Bwather! Bwather! Bwather! Bwather!" was Eleazar's answer. Secretly, I sometimes hoped for a little girl. It would be nice to be able to cuddle a little pink blanket again.

I glanced down at my stomach that very morning. I am HUGE. Huge tummy, wow. Would it be more than one baby? Twins and triplets are always a joy, and it would be nice for the little one to have another sibling at his side that's biologically, and not half, his brother or sister.
That afternoon, as the kids were back from school, I had a surprise for them; bikes! It wasn't a car, as Jay would have hoped. But close. Now they could bike around however they wished! They didn't even have to wait for the bus in the mornings.

"Where's Garcia?" I asked as I came down the hall from the nursery.

"Oh, she had to drop off some permission slips... Little-miss-goody-two-shoes that she is..."
"Gardenia!" Jay and I objected at the same time. 
"Whoops, sorry." Gardenia shrugged our objections off, and turned back to her work.

So already there was someone trying out the new bikes. I really wondered how Garcia will manage on a bike with that dress of hers.

I found myself outside, later, baking in the sun, all dressed up, ready to go jogging. But of course I wouldn't be able to jog, not with a tummy this big. I also didn't want to risk the baby's'/babies health that way.

So the training equipment would have to suffice. I was only going to exercise my arms that day, nothing else.

~In other news~

Jay was spending a lot of time at one of his friends' house. Subsequently, a house where a girl lives. And more than one girl, too. Jay had fallen in love with a sweet little toddler. Not real love. Like brotherly love. He thought the toddler girl  was simply adorable. Sandi French, your lucky to have Jay at our side.

He spent hours there, entertaining the little girl, changing diapers, singing to her, snuggling her, tickling her, feeding her baby food and giving her bottles, everyday. That household could really hire him as a babysitter.

And whatever I thought of this arrangement, I couldn't really object. Jay came home with a smile on his face everyday. What makes him happy, makes me happy. As long as it's not drugs or tattoo's or anything that make him happy. THAT would make me pretty upset..

~Back to me again~

Without further ado, I went into labor!

It was indeed a short labor, and I gave birth to a single boy, with the greenest of skin.

Tait Rose

Welcome to the family!
I called Edwin with the news that the baby was born, and it was a little boy named Tait, with unique green skin.

Edwin - Only one child? Wait, I'm coming over...
Destiny - What, why? I told you the rul-
Edwin - I know the rules. And rules are meant to be broken.

Click. It seemed guys liked hanging up on me.

Destiny - (accusingly) So, this is the time you decide to make an appearance? The next day?

Edwin - I'm sorry, I got hung up at work. Destiny, I have a request.
Destiny - No chance, Edwin. I think I already know what you want, and I'm not giving you custo-
Edwin - NO! Nothing like that, sheesh! I want to know if we can try for another baby.

My voice faltered. How do you deny this request? Okay, it's against rules, and I already broke the rules once before. But I know Edwin's wish. He would want a bigger family. He really had been hoping for twins.

Destiny - Edwin.. I don't know.. We can't...
Edwin - Please. Destiny, please. I beg you. You owe me, remember. That time you stole the ice-cream...
Destiny - Oh, come on! That was YEARS ago! And what your asking WAY over pays that debt. 

Edwin - Hear me out. Me can try for a baby in the time machine, so that you don't have to go through labor again like that in the present. And I instantly get a new son or daughter, just like that, right?

Destiny - I don't know, time travel is complicated... I don't know if our atoms would survive something like that.

Trying for a baby in the time machine wasn't really a proven science. But his proposal did sound good, in a way. One, I may get a new addition to the household, and two, I get the chance to go on an adventure through time!

"Alright. But just this once Edwin. After this, all debts are paid. Now, follow me."

With a grimace on m face, I flung myself through the doors of the time machine, and into the time stream.

Edwin followed afterwards, or so I think. I couldn't see him clearly in the time stream. Hopefully he closed the door after him!

We were only ejected later that night out of the stream. Crap! What would the kids think? They're mom disappeared for a few hours - what would one usually do? Call the police?

But anyways, someone else followed us out of the time stream. 

Lawrence Rose

Destiny - son?

Lawrence - Of course, mother! You look so much different here, under the moon, than in that cave. But you are my mother.
Destiny - I can't believe it worked... Well, Lawrence, lets get you clothed and then you can meet the family!
Lawrence - I already know about Billie... By the way, where is he?
Destiny - Who's Billie? And, by the rest of the family, I mean the girls, and Jay, and Eleazar..

I gave Lawrence some of Jay's clothing her never wore; he liked his white wear. When I look at Lawrence, I can definitely see he's my son. How could I ever doubt that! Even with the blue-ish skin, he definitely looks like me.

Destiny - Well, Lawrence, I'd like you to meet the family. This little boy in my arms is Tait, your blood brother.

Lawrence - Green skin, cool!
(The girls snicker at this)
Destiny - The little one is Eleazar...
Eleazar - Bwather!
Destiny - The teen in all white with the loveliest glossy skin is Jay
Jay - Hello.
Destiny - The two girls, are Gardenia and Garcia
Gardenia and Garcia - Hi, Lawrence.
Destiny - And that's that!
Lawrence - Thank you, thank you. I already love you all... But I still want to know; where's Billie?

I frowned at this question. This was the second time he had asked me. I opened my mouth to speak when I heard a sound emanating from the outside. Like the time machine opening...

We were all drawn to the windows. I ripped off one of the curtain hangers for a better look. Irritating bugger. I could see Jay wanting to protest, but he kept quiet. And to my worst fear, the time machine's doors were open.

"What have I done, what have I done...?" I keep muttering. I prayed quietly to myself, hoping it wasn't a monster of some kind who I crossed.

And then, Lawrence smiled widely, actually laughing. "Billie!" he cheered.

Billie Rose
The second son that's come from the time machine.

"Mother...?" I heard the faint voice ask nervously when I approached the man. Obviously, he must not recognize me in this clothing.

"Yes...," I answered uncertainly. Is this young man also my son? He was already a young adult, for goodness sake.
"It's me, Billie... Your son."

~Recent Family Update~

Kate is dating Leighton Sekemoto
Kalia is dating Leonard Raimon, father of Eleazar, baby #26.
Demi-Dee has married Luas Loki, father of baby #21.
Catherine is dating Alfonso Constantine, father of babies #24 and 25.

And the news that shocked me most: Clara is going out with Corbin Fleming. The man I love..loved, is going out with one of my daughters.


Hello, and thank you for reading this post! The Rose family very much appreciates it!

If you have any complaints, criteria, name suggestions or anything like that, I would love it, any any type of feedback is good feedback! All of this can be left in the form of comments, or you can reach me at

~Oh, and happy Easter from the Rose household!~


  1. I very much liked the idea of using the time machine as the center of this update. Very original. And the blue skin man is quite handsome, if I do say so myself.

  2. Verde! Verde! Verde! Están por todas partes!

    I LOVE you. And of course this blog. This was such a cool update, thanks!

  3. Eleazar is a cutie, hehe. Nice post!

    PS: thanks for naming one of your girls after me! I appreciate it! :D

  4. Illiana! :) I love you too! ~♥~

    Cortez, thank you very much for the compliment! I wasn't sure if it was okay or not. Does it even follow the rules...?

    And Clara, it's a pleasure! I think it's a really pretty name, and I was delighted to name one of the girls that. :)

  5. Who cares if it follows the rules! If every mom followed the rules 100% the blogs would get SOOOO Boring! I loved it. The boys are very handsome, and I cannot wait for the next post! :) Great as always Destiny!

  6. You read my mind, haha! I'm not one for rules, so I occasionally break them, whether that's real life or Sims 3 challenges!

    The next update might take a while. I haven't even started it yet, picture wise. O.O And I just learned that my internet is being cut for a while *tears*

  7. Illiana, tu español?

    Again, like always, so creative Destiny. Can I have your autograph?

  8. OMG, my brother's name is Tait! =D

  9. Great post and super creative! I like the idea of a time machine. Did you plan for the two sims to come out of the time machine or did that just happen? I'm sort of curious because one time a random sim came out of my sim's time machine once claiming to be their child.

  10. Actually, this all really happened by accident...

    Destiny and Edwin tried for a baby in the past, once. So I waited a few moments with no result. Needless to say, they TFB perhaps three times. Only after like 30 minutes, in game, did Lawrence come out. So I got him dressed in different clothing and changed his hair. After this, I got the family on the couch, as I was planning a sort of family photo, but it didn't really work out...

    After who knows how long again, another icon popped up in my family. You know, as I still had seven sims in the house, there was still space. So I accidentally ended up with Billie, really, as I wasn't expecting him.


  11. Where do u get all tht maternity wear? Ive searched everywhere and I cant get anything nice. Also, great post. :)

  12. Insanely creative! I absolutely LOVED this post!

    Sorry to hear about Clara and Corbin... :( We all know you two (Destiny and Corbin) are meant to be together!

    Where do you get your custom maternity wear?

    Loved it! Can't wait for more!

  13. @LolaBell & Elle:

    Sorry guys, I don't exactly know where I got most of my maternity stuff because I've deleted the bookmarks already, and my little sister installs some clothing in her own time as well.

    I can however, give you a link to a blog that's dedicated to finding maternity valid clothing!

  14. @Gabbi: Sí, un poco.

    Mostly I have to hunt up my dictionary. But I love Spanish. I wish to go to Spain someday.
