Saturday 9 April 2011

Matters of the Heart - Baby #21

Corbin was still in my house, happily helping himself to some of the food in the fridge. My anger flared up immediately. How dare he! He was hitting on my daughter, even making a very "inappropriate" comments at her. How can he still be here, smiling as if nothing happened. How could I have loved such a...such a monster?

"You! How could you! How dare you!" I yelled at him seconds later, when I made sure Clara and Catherine were safe in the nursery. I hoped none of the kids would hear what I was about to yell at this man. Hopefully I could contain myself, too.

"Destiny, what the frack? What the hell are you talking about? I did nothing wrong..."

"Wow. Your are such an idiot! How can you still pretend nothing is wrong? What's wrong is that you hit on my daughter Kate! You tried to be romantic with her! She's just a teenager, for Pete's sake. Your old enough to be her father, almost!"
My tone kept going higher and higher. I think I might almost become hysterical. The neighbors would be knocking at my doors in the morning I knew. Maybe even tonight.

"Look. Kate obviously lied. I mean, why wouldn't she? She's probably jealous because you, her mother, has such a hot guy like me an-"

I cut him off right there with a very hard smack to the face. He was usually a very modest person. Now I see he's just obnoxious. He never even loved me, probably. He was sick, that I was certain of.

"Enjoy your life, Dee, because it will be short. Know that you won't even make it past baby number forty. E would have stopped you by then, I'm sure of it," he said mysteriously, accompanied by a dark chuckle. The sound of it made me nervous, all of a sudden. Who was this E? I didn't know anyone named that.

"Get. Out. Now." I managed to say this through my teeth. He left, without a further word.

When he went out the door, I heard his phone ring. Lady Gaga's Love Game? Not something you would think a guy would have as his ring tone, but the message was clear; this had all been a game to him. He was working for someone, and I had been the target.

The rest of the night, I did the usual laundry, literally throwing it into the drying machine. 

"Come on, you stupid little self-centered dresser. You can't even open at the right bloody time...!" I was mad beyond words. I can't believe I could actually get mad at my dresser, an inanimate object.

"Ooof," I huffed as I fell soundly on my backside on the carpet. Disbelief crossed my face. Then the pain.

Being in the need of a desperate change, I dressed in different clothes perfect for Sunset Valley, and pulled my hair back in a bun.

Sculpting was my calling out of this world. I imagined that Corbin was the piece of word, and that I was chopping him off, but my bit. Trying to form him into something better. Something that I wanted to be real. It was a bad try. I abandoned it soon after.

I then came by a tool that would make my fiery dreams of revenge come true. The chainsaw. With the dangerous weapon in my hands, I felt like I could do anything. So I sculpted away again, and soon became lost in my own thoughts...
 ~♥Kate's point of view♥~

"Birthday time for the Rose household! Rise and shine, my beautiful peeps! No time for sleeping in!" Mom was depro; let's face it. She wouldn't be able to handle this type of celebration. It would maybe even add to her anguish. So I, being the eldest currently, took over.

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I thought I looked pretty good! With, and even without make-up on. Maybe I should abandon it... Nope, still need it.

Kalia as a teen reminded me a lot of mom, yet Kalia doesn't have Mom's... I don't know the word. Maturity? That's it! She was very wild, and coming from me, that's something.

Kathleen looks most like our father does, from the three of us. I didn't really know my dad, and I hadn't even tried contacting him. From what I've heard, he isn't the best role model. So I rather just stay away from him.
"Alright... My birthday... Kalia's... Kat's... Who's left? Oh, of course! The twins!"

Daniel would receive a lot of attention at school. I mean, he's such a looker, yet at such a young age. Even with that Asian being his dad, I think he got most of his looks from Mom.

Demi was the last. But before she aged up, I peeked into the activity room. Mom was still furiously at work with that chainsaw. Jeez. How much of that can she handle? When she wields it, it looks like a weapon, and not a sculpting tool. Of course, in some cases, it IS a weapon.

Anyways, DD grew up looking mostly like her dad, Yuro. She had the prettiest black hair in the whole wild world. She grew it out since the toddler stage, and I was kinda jealous of her. I wish my hair was long like that.

I was moving out soon. But I had some things to take care of. I had to restore Mom's faith, and help her with her challenge. I had had an interesting idea in my mind for a few days, and now that I'm an adult, I can finally execute it.

I had searched out a vampire lady that may help me in my quest. My plan was to become a vampire, then find an appropriate dad for the challenge. Then, change him into a vamp to make him even more extra special. Does it sound crazy? Yeah, it is.

"Please... Please... Would you..bite me?" I begged, then pointed to my wrist.

The lady agreed to my request, and bit me on the wrist. The pain... It was...other worldly. Excruciating to say the least.

"It's done. Now run along. And be prepared for eternal life, my child."

2 days later, this happened to me. Right in the middle of my quest, where I had found a guy that could contribute to my mother's challenge.

I was officially a vampire. Watch out Sunset Valley.

I introduced myself, and a few vampire powers later, I was talking him into becoming a vampire, and to take part in the 100 baby challenge. I too bit him on the wrist, like the lady did to me. Blood tasted funny to me... But delicious nonetheless! I wasn't used to this, and I don't think I wanna make this a daily lifestyle.

At around 5PM, I got back home. It seemed there was a celebration; again. Kathleen was aging up again, as she wanted to move out with me. I wasn't in any real hurry, but we had to make space for Mom's future babies.

Kat had style; like all of us girls. I'm not sure, but she looks as if she has this quality that can make her an awesome mom. She's caring, she's funny. She's my sister!

Mom finally came out of her hiding place, yet she still looked like a zombie, not really taking in what she sees. It surprised me when she spoke, "What's all the commotion about..?"

Oh Cow! Mom was coming directly to me. Of course she would notice the diff. She raised me, duh. I could smack myself for not thinking of that. Thoughts of screaming and yelling entered my mind, when mom would notice I'm a vampire.

"Hi mom! Guess what? I'm a vampire!"
Yeah. I was so nervous I just had to say it...
What I hadn't expected, was that my mom would be understanding. She was still calm. Maybe the after effects of that one guy not really loving her... I wonder what would put her over the edge?

"Sweetie, what happened? Was it deliberate, or an accident? Were you attacked...?

"Not really... I did it..deliberately. Mom, I did it for you. I changed to a vampire, then found a guy for your challenge, then made him a vamp, so he's totally special now! Perfect for the challenge?"

Mom's deep blue eyes were thoughtful. "Kate Rose, you are one crazy girl. No wonder I love you so much!"

She agreed, to finally to come out of the shadows and meet the guy I had found for the challenge. But, on the condition that I change back to a human being. She didn't want me to go around, drinking blood from anyone. That idea spooked her. It spooks me!

And with the drink of the Vampire B-gone potion, I was human again.

I went home one last time, packed my things, and waved goodbye. As mom encouraged us to try to make money using our talents, I have a considerable amount of money in my savings account. I hope Kathleen does too. We have the perfect little house in mind...

~♥Destiny's point of view♥~
Ah, my sweet daughter Kate! She was really looking out for me lately. She actually even found a daddy for the challenge! But she had the most craziest idea. Whatever the case, she was back to being human, and I was standing at the address she had given to me.

So, this was the man. Lucas Loki, if I remember correctly. He must've had pale gray eyes when he was a human, as his eyes had a real interesting shine to them. And such an array of green and red hair! Kate had good taste, that's all I can say.

Having invited him to my house, we immediately got to business. Happy to say, my challenge continues and baby #21 is on the way!

During my time as a "zombie", many things were left undone. The kids helped where they could, it looked like, as cleaning detergent and powder was cluttered on the ground. What a mess! I started the housework by doing laundry, then moved all the way up. 

As Kate had left, there was almost always a open spot at the drawing table. So with what I knew about painting and art, I started sketching. First slowly, then more and more quickly as a image formed in my head. 2 and a half hours later, my first sketch was done.

I needed to make up for not having been part of the kids celebrations. It was almost as if I couldn't recognize them. It seemed Kate took over and grew up the kids.

"Mom, would you ever go to France?" Demi asked.
"Maybe one day, when the challenge is completed, I may...go there."
"Why the sudden interest Demi? Do you have your eye on that cute new guy that's in your class, and you want to whisk him away to Paris for your wedding?"    Kalia laughed. DD's only answer was a bright red blush on her cheeks.

My flat screen computer was broken, so I had to fix that too. I wonder who broke it... Computers don't just break by themselves, right? Or do they...? Hmm, whatvever the case, that took about an hour before I figured out that only the computer was unplugged. Oh, the humiliation!

"Mom, you should try inventing. It's really really interesting!" Kalia had told me once. She was very intrigued by science, so I guess she spent most her time in front of the workbench. Sp I took her word for it and gave inventing a try.

...It didn't work out well. I got singed, and left in my undies. My purple-black hair stood everywhere.

There was a small pile of fabric on the floor. That was probably all that was left of my clothing. So I cleaned that up, then ran myself a nice hot bath.

Ah, how refreshing! Funny how the burns didn't hurt. I was left without a scratch. I figure should stay away from the workbench while pregnant now.

After my long soak in the tub, it was time to grow up the baby twins!

Catherine (first picture) is the one of the twins that looks mostly like her father. Both of the girls had Caleb's cute face. But of course both girls have my deep blue eyes. Clara is also the one that received my hair color.

Kalia taught Clara how to walk and talk. They have a deep bond, probably from the fact that they look like each other. They both have my hair and eyes. Whatever the case, they both adored each other.

And I, of course, taught Catherine her skills. I was in love with her hair color, as red is one of my favorite colors. Maybe I should dye my hair again...?

"Honey, you did! Now, why were you afraid in the first place?" I laughed at how Catherine was nervous of the small little blue toilet.
Cath was happily playing with the blocks, and I was cleaning up the dirt from the potty (again), when this happened.

I gave birth to a small little boy with tanned skinned.
Welcome to the Rose home!

Elijah Rose

The only question is, will little Elijah be a vampire?


Thank you for reading! If you have any complaints,  criteria, name suggestions, or anything like that, I would deeply appreciate it, as I love feedback!


  1. Elijah is a beautiful name. Props to you!

  2. That was so creative how Kate made that guy a vampire for Destiny. I am also very excited to find more about Corbin and that person named E. Can't wait to read on!

  3. This was an amazing post :) You are SO creative! Your posts keep getting better and better :D Kudos! I ADORE Kate, she is STUNNING. Hope she has some grandkids for you! Also Clara and Catherine are beautiful little girls! I hope that this E person doesn't try to kill you or any of your children! :( that would be sad :P

  4. Is it alright if I use Duncan Rose in my challenge?

  5. Yes, absolutely, go ahead. :)

  6. Kate is fracking gorgeous. And so funny! I love her personality.

  7. Kate is so beautiful!

    Can't wait to find out about "E"?

    Keep writing!! LOVE it!!
