Thursday 30 June 2011

Birthday Surprise: Part One - Babies 46 & 47

A big thank you to Izzi456 (a.k.a. trufflelegacy) for gifting me the cutest ever doll, Huan-yue Panda Doll, which goes great with the kids' nursery.


My kids were proving full of surprises this week. Isabella and Shane got on the honor roll, more for attendance than anything else supposedly. And Xavier has revealed he has a more soft spot under that shell of formal clothing. He let loose a bit and played in the sand pit one evening. From what we could see, he was burying something.
I managed to sculpt a toilet after getting back to my self-employed sculpting business. Truth be told it wasn't my best work.
Mother will not approve, I thought to myself. Funny, this is the first time I've thought about mum in days and it's when I'm looking at a bloody toilet out of stone. I REALLY need to get out more.
Xavier had his birthday that evening, and a lot has changed since then. His eyes have seemed to become much smaller since childhood, giving him that mature look. He still retains those formal manners, plus choice of clothing. It also doesn't help he developed the computer whiz trait.
For some family time that we always have on the weekends, the household headed to the new park which has been promised to be both adult and kid friendly.
I cast a worried eye in Isabella's direction as she came by with the stroller.
Honey, that's not the way to handle a baby in a stroller..., I almost said out loud.
"Looking good there mom," Bells smiled, as I walked by with Oliver.
"Thanks, so do you," I lied. "Think of having kids?"
To that she only laughed.
Turns out I was right to be worried. Poor Logan saw the world upside down. Luckily he wasn't hurt, and Bells had him back in the stroller in a matter of seconds.
Meagan - Wook 'the bwotha! A pwetty pwebble!
Shane - Yeah, isn't it a pretty rock? I bet you'd love to take it with you home. Should big brother pick it up for you?
Meagan - Nooo, not wight color! Keep wooking.
Lindsey - Wook there! How big bwotha and lil' sis awre acting.
Xavier - Lindsey, I know I have an IQ higher than 180, but for Heaven's sake, I can't make out your mumbling. Mother, in need of translation here!
Lindsey - Big bwatha is simpletoon.
Xavier - Lindsey, did you just call me a simpleton?
Destiny - Of course not, darling. She's making after cartoons? Ehehe..
From the moment of her birth, I knew Meagan would be just as artistic as her father. She loves painting to the ends of the earth, possibly more than she loves her twin but that's just a guess. Flowers are a must for this girl and almost  placed one in her hairdo if it would stop falling out.
Lindsey looked much the same as Meagan but surprisingly, with shorter dark hair she kept around her face in spiky arrays. With Linds, it's as if there's a boy and a girl inside there. She's a talented girl, who loves dancing and music, so there's a potential rock star in the making.
Logan inherited his father's interesting color of hair, which we made into a spiky sort of hairstyle, which is incredibly adorable with that face. As far as looks, Logan seems to have much of my facial features.

Oliver is just as adorable like all the other kids! With that jersey and cute round hairstyle, he catches all the hearts of the old ladies as we walk by with him. But he's a stubborn baby, who hates sharing anything with his brother. No lie, they were stubborn about sharing me.
Meagan and Lindsey (abbreviated to M&L, L&M, etc.) made the most of the day, by doing a swinging contest in the park.
Linds - I'm way higher than you are, sis!
Meagan - We're like swinging at the same height...!
Linds - Check again please.
Meagan - Oh no, your winning. Gotta..swing..higher..
Ollie (Oliver) was luckily not as stubborn as always as we allowed him on the horsey ride.
Xavier had a lot more trouble than was to be expected, coming from Logan.
Xav - Logan, it's time for you to climb off. Mother won't be pleased if you do not have your nap. 
Logan - Nooo! Nooooo naaaaaap!
Xav - Surely your tired of riding this primitive piece of hardware? Come now, we need to leave.
Logan - Bwatha mean.

Bells and Shane were about to age up as well, but they were sitting in the sand pit, almost refusing to grow up, reminiscing over the good 'ol days.
Isabella - (whistles) That was some party we had, eh, Shane?
Shane - Too bad we got caught. Otherwise we'd be the most awesomest party throwers in town.
Isabella - Yup, those were the days...
M & L - What party?
Shane - Oh that's right, you were toddlers, you wouldn't remember anyway.
I caught up with Kate at the park as well. She still had the status of being single, and it seemed it wasn't going to change soon.
It's weird, but Kate is the one daughter I see the most out of all my children. Her interest in kids brings her close, but also the fact that she once went to extreme lengths (becoming a vampire) to find a father for the challenge.
Kate - Have you seen Scarlett, mom? News is she and Parker broke up. Luckily they don't have the issue of custody as the twins are already grown up.
Destiny - Crap, that shows you just how bad I am. I don't even know what goes on in my children's lives.
Kate - Hmm mm... Oh yes. Aidan and Braden both have a girlfriend now. The girls are sister's of each other, so that's how they met.
Shane's face seemed to have gone through a small transition, becoming a tit bit smoother around the jaw line. Handsome, definitely. Shane leaves the house with his childhood qualities intact, having no clue what career to pursue. But that's Shane. He will find his way eventually!

Isabella, the rebel. Now a rebel and a young adult. Bells made a drastic decision, thinking that she looks way to much like I do, and dyed her hair entirely blonde. No brown in sight.

(That, Izzi a.k.a. trufflelegacy, is for you. Hopefully she looks a bit more like your challenge mom now with blonde hair. :D)
Interesting how Isabella's hair looks white in the shadows, and not blonde. Hopefully that's not the case when she walks around in the sun.
Back at home, we had several cases of hysteria and just plain craziness.
"Bleeeeew, look at me, look at me, pulling crazy faces!" Lindsey laughed at her image in the mirror, loving to be a free spirit and lighten the mood.

"You know, you like, shouldn't stand so close to the mirror. It could break or crack and then you have 7 years bad luck. I don't think it's worth it." Meagan stated, loving to scare her sis a bit. She was playing with the blocks, building a castle. Perfectionist she is.
The boys were delighted that day, having received certain patched dolls, from some other grandpa I never knew I had. But Ollie and Logan soon got confused, and didn't know whose doll it was they were playing with.

Logan - Mwine! Its mwine, you simpletoon!
Ollie - Would yho pwease stop 'waying that!
Logan - Simpletoon! Simpletoon! Simpletoon!
Ollie - Twis doll is mwine. You have yho own. Now go awayaway!
(All spelling mistakes are intended)
Logan soon found his own doll, and the two were then playing together.
Ollie's doll was named Primrose, and Logan called his Gabby.
We all know as Xavier as someone who isn't outspoken much, an introvert, a genius who keeps to himself. But when he unloads his burdens, he goes all the way. So it came to be a surprise yet again that Xav came to me that night.

"Mother, can I come in." He knocked on the door, his voice muffled.
"Sure, sweetie.. Just a sec."
I was halfway through climbing off the bed when Xavier stepped in, thought lines creased on his face.

"Mother, there's something I need to ask you.. I heard about this psychologist once, and I've been in contact with him, talking about my various talents and state of mind. And I believe that talking to him has brought me a great deal of peace. So I would like to hear if you would be able to pay for further counseling."

A psychologist? Did he really need one? I wondered. He seemed less of a evil maniac these days. Maybe this doctor could do something. But there's the price to consider..

"How much is it?" I asked, eyes shrewd. He took a breath before answering.
"More than a thousand simoleans, given that I'm a special type of client, and that we already have had private sessions."

"More than a thousand?" I asked. So it could go over two thousand even.

"Xavier. I don't know if we could manage it. I put money aside for all the kids so when you leave the house so that you can have a good start to life, and there's the renovations for this house that's in progress. Call your doctor, so that we could have a little chat, okay?"

"That's not a no, I believe. Thank you, Mother!"
I went online the next day, signing the girls up for a after school activity, namely ballet. But I also went and checked if psychologists were really the best solution to Xavier's case. He had been right. Xav needed someone to talk to who didn't have an opinion of him yet, and a doctor is what he found.

~Now, some home improvements~
A huge basement had been added to our house.
Perfect for all those other things.

Screen from above
My personal study
The hobby- and extended study room.
Room for adult parties
Music and games galore!
The gym
And last but not least,
The Hangout
A place where the kids can cool off

The psychologist met me that afternoon in my new study. Usually the tables were reversed, with the doctor in front of the computer making notes, and the client across from him. But this wasn't the case today, and I felt empowered. Does wonders for your self esteem.

Meet Dr. Andrew Moscovitz, Xavier's psychologist and the man I probably have to pay two thousand simoleans.
Dr. Moscovitz was the one that started the conversation.
"So, miss Rose. I hear from Xavier that you are a mother of 45 children? And that you are doing a 100 baby challenge? Is that so?" I nodded, so he continued.
"As with the case of Xavier, having so many children and having your attention divided entirely, I know it must be hard for you to handle troubled children. So I understand why Xavier's case has gone so far..."
It took me a while that he was insinuating that I couldn't take care of my kids.
"Your saying I can't take care of children? And that I'm slacking at dealing with Xav's condition? If that's what your saying, you can get your doctor's butt out of that chair and go back to where you came from, and your leaving without a cent from me."

That was probably...definitely an overreaction. But I wasn't about to be told down that I couldn't take care of kids. I was too afraid that social services could take away one of my babies, so I could never slack.
"No, no, no, no, no, no," he quickly interjected. "I'm only stating the facts. I'm not implying anything. Xavier always speaks highly of you, so I know your an incredible woman. But certain things are out of your power. Xavier's case is extraordinary, and no one women can solve it alone. That is where we step in. Sometimes just to lend a friendly ear."

"Oh.. Alright. I'm sorry, my kids are a touchy subject. I'm just so afraid that I'm not good enough sometimes, and if any of them are taken away.. I couldn't bear to live with myself."

"Hmm. Now that you bring that up. Social services wants to investigate your case. It's at the back of their minds currently, but you can expect it."

I almost swore out loud. So I could expect a "visit"? Great.
"Xavier mentioned something about more than a thousand simoleans?" I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to turn anything to become to awkward.

"Of course. The payment. As Xavier is a special client, the price is quite steep, but I have a alternative solution..."
Andrew stood quietly, pulling me graciously out of my chair. He leaned in temptingly, his hand by my side.
"Doctors are curious by nature. Well I am. And an extreme case like this is very interesting. It's not usually how I do business, but maybe we can come to an agreement, if you let me be in your challenge."

In any other case this would be a could solution. Escaping debt and moving on with the challenge. But it makes me, just thinking about it. But it's for Xavier, so with that in mind, I agreed.
For the second time in a week, I found myself staring at Chad and my picture on the table.

"We need to talk, Chad. Very soon. I can't go on with this on my mind."
Before bed, I found Ollie still playing innocently with his doll. Scooping him up, I tickled him till his laughter filled the entire room. Mostly, it was only to distract myself from my former train of thought.

I had already made my decision about Chad.


And so this concludes part one of Destiny's birthday tale. Part two will be out tomorrow (hopefully), and in that part her birthday will take place. 
It's better that it's in two parts, otherwise I'd have to deal with 150 pics in one post, 'cuz I took way to many screenshots.




  1. Yay! Hehehe...she does look good! :) I was kinda scared wat the surprise was...but now I'm all better!
    I really wish MY 100 Baby Challenge was working again, but I just can't get it to. But, I'm still working on my Rainbowcy, so I hope that makes up for it.
    Great Chapter!! I probably won't comment on the Part 2 'cause I'll be up in Utah for the weekend and my grandpa doesn't have internet :(
    I'm concluding that you're all better...YAY!!
    Can't wait for Pt 2!!
    P.S. What's your email? I always feel bad about making long comment like this, so...maybe you wanna email? It'd be sooo much easier.

  2. Great part 1! The new addition to the house is really well decorated and the toddlers in it are adorable. I though it was funny when Lindsey called Xavier a simpleton! :D

    I can't wait for part two either!

  3. I can't describe it...
    Just...WONDERFUL! :D

    OMG, i love Xavier, it's insane how much i like him :D.
    And by the way, 140 is not that much of an IQ if you are portraiting a genius, cuz mine is 150, and im not a genius xD

  4. @trufflelegacy: I wish your challenge file was working too! :D I kinda miss reading the Longbottom's story.

    My email is (Made especially for this challenge, BTW)

  5. @Catlover800: I thought the simpleton part might work to bruise Xavier's big ego. :D Glad it kinda worked. And thanks! I've been working really hard on my decorating skills in Sims 3.


  6. @Windsfamily: OH! Again, thanks for telling me. I actually wanted to write 190 (which is insanely genius), but I must have got distracted and wrote 140..

    Changed to 180 to make it a bit more realistic.
    And you just can't resist Xavier's charms of genius. :D

  7. No, i cant :3 I go to a school where u need to have an IQ of at least 130 to get in :3 and all the kids are insanely clever or have ADHD xD

  8. Sounds like my kind of place. :D Where I go, people are a bit...childish.



  9. I sent you (Destiny) an email today!! :)
