Tuesday 9 August 2011

Bow Chica Wow Wow - Babies 58, 59 and 60

Roger are Jordan may be classified as twins, but they're worlds apart from each other. Roger has been lucky, scoring his father's unique red skin, and deep green eyes, while Jordan has the light green hair, and a rather interesting skintone that popped out from no where (I'm not THAT tanned).

Jordan always has a smile on his face, probably because his almost always in trouble. Roger remains quiet for the moment. Ah, bliss! 
You just can't keep away the kids from the TV, can you? Since Preston and Tasha are now children, they're practically glued to the screen of the Kidz Zone channel.

"If only they had Barnie...," I hear Tasha sigh.
"Yeah. If only..." Preston agrees.
Makayla Rose
Eric Rose
Willow Rose

Just as my boys and girls get home, all I can hear them talk about is aging up and moving out. Baking the cakes and placing them on the table, they're super excited to blow out their candles.

"And we promise to stick together always, so if any of us are in trouble, we know who to contact!" Eric cheers. 

I'm shocked to see my triplets as young adults. Makayla has crept out of her shell, Eric has a beard, and Willow looks a bit more human now.
For a birthday present, I make the hard decision to give the Audi Roadster to Makayla, to share with Willow and Eric of course. I weep a few silent tears but thankfully, no one sees me.

Eric - We're gonna look so cool driving this! You think we can get it spray painted to red instead?
Makayla - I dunno if this is a good idea.... MO-OOO-OM! You sure about giving us this car?!
Destiny - Of course. I'm sure grandma will understand.
Checking the mail this morning, I find a peculiar note inside. Further investigation reveals that it's a wedding invitation from Thomas - from the time he's been away from home, he's got engaged to Juline.

The wedding starts at 8:00 PM, but the entire entourage (me and the kids, and of course, the toddlers) gets there at 7:34 PM. I head over to wish Juline and Tommy good luck, but they only have eyes for each other.
The couple exchanges their special self-written vows and gold rings. From behind me I hear sniffles. Tasha has a hard time keeping her tears in check. So do I! 
It turns out to be a wedding right out of the pages of fairytale book. The location, the vows, the outfits they have on, are PERFECT! The deal is sealed with a kiss, and we shower the lovebirds with confetti.

~*Wedding Pictures*~
I snap a picture of the kids in their cute party attire as we get home. The toddlers scurried away from the "blinking box", but Roger and Jordan are both wearing small sized cream suits.
If it's not the TV the kids are using, then it would ten to one be their imaginations.

"Go RIGHT, sis! Right, right, right!" Preston screeches, duck and diving as he drives his vehicle. "But right goes to the police station! We'll get caught speeding." Tasha protests loudly.

"Okay, new plan; LEFT!" 
Early morning Friday the next challenge father, Raymond Swan, pops up. He comes recommended from my sister (Carmen). Apparently the two are friends, or her boyfriend is friends with him. Carmen is thoughtful, but talk about creating an awkward situation.
I invite him inside and immediately ask him to join me in a round of foosball. It's usually better not to get to know the father's too well otherwise you'd get attached to them, but just to be polite and not make my sister angry, I ask him out about his career and stuff.
The whole awkward thing I've been speculating about just seems to get worse and worse as I talk to him. Giving myself a facepalm, I get him upstairs and get done. Raymond leaves almost as soon as he came.

"Knew I shouldn't have trusted Carmen on this one..," I grumble and get out of bed.
Preston has been insistent on having the boys' room changed. According to him, it looks to much like the living room, and that if Roger and Jordan were the same age as he, they would agree. I relent, and call a builder's company to help assist me with painting and the renovations. 

We had to get the furniture out of the way, so it called for a lot of moving things around, and back pains. Needless to say, it's chaos.
The builders and I only finish up on Saturday morning, which is good for Preston, but bad for us. Being exhausted from all of the redecorating will probably stop me from doing something fun with the kids!

I call over Preston from the computer, and eye the bedroom door meaningfully.

"Excited to see the new boys' room?" I grin at him.
"It's finished? Oh, mom, this is gonna be awesome!"
He storms into the room and stops a second later, his head turning slowly, taking in everything he sees. A moment later, Preston starts clapping ecstatically.

"Mom! I said this could be awesome, and I'm RIGHT! It IS awesome!"
Prezzie gives me a big hug before running off to explore the room further.

"Anything for you, darling! Now don't break anything," I chuckle.

*The NEW boys room*
(Only renovated because I wanted to try out the new Back 2 Skool set from the Store. :D But I personally think it looks better now, more personality in the room)
The next thing I hear is light snoring. Apparently Preston became a bit over excited and used up all his energy, so he decided to take a nap.
I should have known that renovating the boys' room would lead to Tasha asking me the same thing. We have enough fun renovating the entire house almost, but the time and effort for this type of things is a lot.
"We can renovate, sweetheart. Just not so soon. I think the builders and I need some rest!" Tasha pouts at my answer and runs off to do her weekend homework.
Roger and Jordan are such energetic toddlers, but with a fatal flaw; they're easily thwarted with music. I whip out my guitar, play a few chords, and already they're swooning and ready for a nap.
The new room seems to have a bigger impact on Preston than what one would expect. After his nap, it's as if there's a imaginary force there that Prezzie's communicating with. Either something imaginary, or as other people would say, insane. But if this is how Preston's personality will be, then that's fine by me!
Sunday morning, and Tasha requests we go see a move on the big screen. I have no clue what film is showing, so we just head to the mall with no idea what tickets we'll buy.

We all agree to see Cars 2 in the end, and people stream into the different cinema rooms.
"Mom, mom!" Tasha yells. "We can get some nice seats here!"
I feel uncomfortable having the toddlers sitting on the ground while we wait for our food from the cafe. These places are definitely NOT baby safe. Which makes me think; if I ever own a restaurant, I would make sure there would be cribs and high chairs!
How fortunate is it that we came to a mall that has a kids play area! It provides the perfect spot to teach the tots some skills. While Roger takes his first five steps, I see Jordan looking at us with bewildered eyes.

"Yup, Jordan. Your gonna be doing this in a while!"
On the way to a pit stop at the park, we run into a big commotion at city hall. Some kind of protest is taking place. I shrug, and decide to be a good citizen by participating.
Whatever the cause, there really are a lot of people that come and support it. Around 4 PM I see there's no point in hanging around further as the kids are tired and I don't understand why I'm carrying a billboard with an insect on it.
Seems we're all gonna be in the paper tomorrow. I can already see the headlines... Okay, maybe I can't. But I know we'll make the newspaper front page!
Lindsey tickles her little brother just before we leave, and she smiles brightly at me. "Do you think I could be a good mom, mom?" I return the smile and nod. "The very best of moms."
Whoop whoop, huge baby bump right here! I'm at least 2 days into the pregnancy, verging on the third trimester. Or maybe it's already the third trimester.
Jordan and Roger have been fighting over who's turn it is at the "magical music cat", so I've just decided that they BOTH have to play with it at the same time. Two birds, one stone!
Poor Tasha ran into some embarrassment when she sat down. Someone... Alright, Preston, booby trapped a couch!
The shower upstairs broke, and flooded the entire room. It's must be the pregnancy hormones, because I break down in tears on the spot.

"My life is in ruins. *sob* The shower broke... What next?!"
To calm the all the emotions going haywire, I settle in to a few hours meditation. This really works better than breaking balsa wood boards!
Also, meditation releases all those tense muscles it seems, which explains this..
Shaniah Rose
Nathaniel Rose
Gregory Rose
I put the new set of triplets in their assigned cribs, change into different clothing, brush my hair, whatnot, and jog downstairs to get something to eat. But there's something that stops me in my steps. That one detail on the dining room table... A bunch of purple flowers. My favorite color. It's lilac, to be precise, but there's one person who gave me purple instead.

"Chad?" I ask, for no reason at all.


Thanks for reading! If you have anything you'd like to say about this post, or if you just wanna leave a suggestion (like name suggestions, father suggestions, etc.) you can do so by leaving a comment. They really make my day!


  1. Great! I loved it, Preston certainly got what he wanted which is kind of cute, it shows how much you care for him ^_^

  2. Wow, another post... and so soon!

    The wedding photos were beautiful. You really have a talent at taking photos.

    The new boys room is awesome and perfect for them. Also, congrats on triplets.

    In the end, you really left us hanging. I really, really want to know who left Destiny the flowers! Can't wait for the next post!!!

  3. OHEMGEE I loved this post, you are on a triplet spree it seems! :)
    Anyways, I wanted to make this comment long, because we both know how much we love comments :D
    Already on Baby 60?? That's....60% done I guess. When you have Baby 100, what are you gunna do?
    What if you have Babies 98 and 99, and then you have twins again, or triplets?? Then you'd have a 101/102 Baby Challenge! (That'd be awesome)
    I can't wait for the next update, I love your writing style and I love allllll your little babies <3

  4. @spongebob248: I care a lot for Prezzie! He was the only boy that had that room, so I just had to change it. :)

  5. @Cat: There were 2 extra days to my weekend, so I made it count! :)

    I have to credit EA and Photobucket for the photo's really... EA because they have an excellent picture taking system, and PB because it really increases the quality of the shots.

    I may keep you guys hanging for a while; I have some tests to study for in the following weeks, so it's hard to get time at my PC.


  6. @truffle: I'm a multiple magnet, haha! No, I'm doing it deliberately at times. I need to get ahead with my posts!

    I'll probably move in extra people if there's too much space in the house that would cause twins or triplets. I want Baby 100 to be an extra special post.

    Also, just a tidbit of info, I have not a clue what to do after the challenge. :(

  7. @Destiny: Can't wait for Baby 100! Now I wish my Baby Challenge still worked....I've tried multiple times, but...*sigh* nothing is working.

    You'll think of something, I know it :)

  8. Ahh! Another great blog! Your kids are gorgeous, the wedding pics are awesome...ooh, I'm excited for the next one!
