Sunday 8 May 2011

When in doubt, ask your neighbor - Babies #32, 33, and 34

For days on end, I could be found laying my head on the dining table, softly  hitting it on the glass surface. I felt as if my hold on reality had slipped through my fingers.

My hands stayed on my head, when not banging the table. I couldn't press the truth into my head, I knew, but it was a comfort thing. Clara And Corbin. Corbin and Clara. They've started a family. How could he? We had two kids together for goodness sake! And I thought we would be able to be together after all... Maybe I was being unreasonable.. Yes, that's all.

No matter what, though, I couldn't escape depression. Monday evening, I was cuddled in the corner of my bedroom. It was nice and dark. And secluded from everyone.

Unknown to me, the kids were in the adjacent room, discussing my recent behavior...

Garcia - I'm telling you, it's that one red headed guy! He broke mom's heart somehow. That lonesome son-of-a-bi...
Gardenia - Garcia! We don't know the whole story. We can't make assumptions!
Eleazar - I heard something over the phone...
Garcia & Gardenia - Say what???
Eleazar - Yeah.. I think the guy, I think his name is Cordin..Corbin. He and Clara, our sister, may have started something..
Gardenia - Something?
Garcia - You mean a relationship? A family?
Eleazar - Yeah, I think. I mean, why else would ma be so down in the dumps?

After a rock-paper-scissors, which Eleazar lost, Garcia decided to forfeit and talk to me alone. I barely heard her coming through the door, even in her high heels.

"The computer is broken," Garcia commented, with a sly hint hidden in it. I made no return comment on that. Screw the computer, I thought.

Garcia - Look, mom. Eleazar would have come, but I decided that maybe you would need to talk to someone more like you. A girl. I know that I don't understand what's going on, or what's troubling you, or how your feeling. But ma, we're here for you.

Destiny - (quietly) Your right.. I shouldn't be so hung over this.. But it's hard.

Garcia - I would certainly guess so. But mom, maybe you need a new start. A clean slate, you know? Or whatever.

Destiny - A new start? How? I won't run away from them. Or leave you guys here, my family, all my kids.

Garcia - Maybe if we moved away a little further from them...?

This comment got my full attention. Okay, it's still running away, but if we move, it won't be to a new town.

"A new house... Maybe that's something we need. There are to many memories here that remind me to much of the past..," I finally said, with the barest hint of a smile.

I had been thinking of moving for a while. For one, the house wasn't really that much of a family house. The nursery was to small, along with the kids room.

Garcia - Alright. But before you move, maybe we could have birthdays here, and then G and I could move out? I heard Rebecca had started a styling business. I would love to be apart of it and move in with her!

So to Garcia's request, we were going to have the birthdays here, in our house, for the last time.

My twin girls all grown up. Garcia (top picture) and Gardenia (bottom picture) are all ready for the life of glamor. They both wish to join their older sister, Rebecca (baby #3), in her new Fashion business. Garcia has chosen the young, party look, while Gardenia had gone for the more business like, corporate star, that kind of thing. I will miss these two girls!

Eleazar, Eleazar, Eleazar.. What a heart breaker this boy turned out to be! The times of boy-ish tantrums and video games all afternoon are in the past for him. Now it's writing poems, love letters, shaving and styling his hair. Goodness grief!

Tait has the cutest round cheeks ever! He doesn't care much for his hair, so he combs it to the side, old school, I figure. There's one little tidbit about Tait that has me worried. When he aged up, Tait received the Evil trait. Only one of my children has had this trait before, and I didn't have to many hassles with it. But with him being a boy, this time around, how will he react?

Infinity; where do we start? Who does sweet Infinity look like most? His father? I certainly don't see me in his features, which brings a wide smile to my face. To many of my kids look identical to me. Anyways, he has very peculiar features, not really suited for a toddler, and the sweetest light blue eyes, that go nicely with his t-shirt!

Even though Julie isn't my daughter, only granddaughter, I wish she was one of my own. When I look at her, with her cream-white hair in a Chinese bun, and pink outfit, she screams cuteness! Julie, of course, inherited the family trademark; deep blue eyes. Woot woot!

The dawn of the next day arrived, and we all got up a little earlier than usual.  Who knew that you could move almost entirely across town on such a fine day. I had made a call to the school, to tell them the kids may be a bit later than usual for school. I didn't want them to miss their education, but this was necessary. 

Of course, the kids enjoyed this bit of news.

I made the call to the real estate agent around 8:11 AM. Luckily, she was up already. Well, sort of.

Patty (my real estate agent) - (In groggy voice) Hello? I'm busy.. (Yawn) Okay, not really, but I'm trying to sleep, for Pete's sake.

Destiny - Sorry to hear that, girl.

Patty - Destiny? That you?

Destiny - The one and only. 

Patty - Sheesh.. Sorry about that. I really am not a morning person.. So, what' up with the call so early? In the market for a house, huh?

Destiny - Usually I'd laugh, but this time, your spot on. I'm searching for a family house, somewhere close to the beach...?

30 minutes later, Patty had found the perfect house for us, in her book. It had recently been built and re-furnished. So that meant we would be the first inhabitants! 

Destiny - Okay, kids! Time to go! Say goodbye to the Toyota; we're leaving it behind.

Eleazar - WHAT?! I was going to show all my girlfriends... I mean, friends. I was going to show all my friends the cool car that you have.

Destiny - It's okay. The car's been sold, and were only getting a different one; a black one.

Tait - Sweet.. Can I drive it when I'm old enough, then?

We all hopped into the taxi that waited for us, leaving my own car behind, the house, everything. Of course, not the family photos. They were too important.

Eleazar - This taxi is cramped.. Mom, I hope you get that new car, really fast.

Destiny - Sure, sure.

Welcome to our new home! This is the front of of it, as you pull up with your car. It looks pretty big; let's hope it's big enough for the whole family.

Aerial shot of the house from above. From this view, the middle room really does look huge.

This is the girl's room; painted completely purple and accompanied with all the accessories girls need; make-up, nail polish, mirrors, play table, etc.

The boys room. It may not be the most boy-ish room in the whole world, but I think it could work. I absolutely love the big car decoration at the back wall. Eleazar is going to freak when he sees it.

This is the teensy little bathroom next to the girls' and boys' room.

This room I will be calling the guest room. It looks more like a teen girl's room, but I loved the deco to much, and didn't want to change it.

The living room and kitchen are yet again connected, but this time around, it's stylish! Look how modern everything is. This place truly can be a new home.

This is one of the dining rooms; the other one is located near the kitchen. How I love this room! Too bad we won't be using it that much.

This is the study! It's pretty much "empty". Apart from the easel, ches table, drafting table and PC, there isn't that extra "oomph" You know, decor. That's because I'm saving that space for either award certificates, or paintings that I know my kids will paint!

The laundry room; a very simple design.

The HUGE main bathroom of our house.

My room! I've changed from keeping my room red, to something more elegant.

The nursery; in this house, I can afford the space of six cribs. Six!!!

(Credit: Thanks goes to Illiana, for gifting me the entire set of the Panda Nursery;  Luv you!)

The backyard. Full enough of gizmos for the kids to play with, but there's also a firepit and barbecue for us all to enjoy (not to mention a hot tub..)

Look, look! A pool! This time it's custom painted, and it looks so much better than the last swimming pool. There's also some nice outdoor patio recliners and a couch. 
I settled on my new bed as the boys ran around the new house, figuring out what is where, and the tots chewing on their new toys already. Yes, this house definitely is a new start for us all. A happy, new start.

I was heading to the supermarket for some things for dinner. Unfortunately, I wasn't accustomed to the new roads I needed to take and I ended up taking a wrong turn. Crap.

My thoughts and plans for dinner were interrupted as I heard the call of a man. A call for help?

"Miss! Madam! Whatever! Help! Please?!"

With the sigh and a shake of the head, I pulled the car over. Who the heck was this guy?

"Thank goodness you pulled over! I thought I was going to have to stand here all day, waving and shouting for someone kind enough. And here, the first person I wave at actually stops. Thank you, mam!" the mystery man kept babbling on.

"I'm not exactly a 'mam'. I'm not married. Anyways, would you care to explain, why I'm standing here on the pavement on the road talking to you?" I countered, maybe a bit to harshly. Men weren't very high on my respect list, currently.

"Oh, right. Well, to start off. My name's Hugo Chatsworth. I work here, as a journalist."

Hugo - You see, I was here, at work, inside the building. Writing a MAJOR  story for the front page. I actually had to rush to get to work this morning, so I parked my car..a wee bit wrong. Now I come out to find my car towed away. And I left my phone there, so I have no way to call for help.

Destiny - And who would you have called? Your girlfriend?

Hugo - Hah. No. She's still mad at me after the great illness of 2009.. She hasn't forgiven me yet. No, I would probably call my mother.

Destiny - When in doubt, call mommy. As they always say.

Hugo - Ugh. Will you help me or not? I just need to use your phone for a minute.

Destiny - How about this. Get in my car and I'll take you to my house. Then call the car company from there. My phone I left at home, unfortunately, so this is the only way I can help.

Destiny - But other than that, sure. I'll help. By the way, my name is Destiny. Destiny Rose. Just so you can address me by name, and not 'mam' or 'miss'. Please. That makes me sound old..

Hugo - Destiny...? Where have I hears that name before... In the newspaper..? No... Oh wait, your that challenge mother, aren't you? Huh. Nice to have a good Samaritan helping me and not some weirdo.

Destiny - 'Aight. That's me. So you practically know my life story. Now shall I give you a lift?

Hugo - Whatever you say, princess.

Destiny - (groaning) What is it with guys?

Hugo - But I insist that I must drive. I've never trusted a woman with a car.

Destiny - Nu uh. No way. And have you hijack my new car? Sorry, no can do.

Hugo - No, I wouldn't.. But seriously! I think you just crossed a sign without stopping.

Destiny - Your imagining things.

Hugo - No, I'm not. You just can't drive an expensive piece of equipment..

Destiny - Look, no hands! Haha.

I didn't know why, but I loved making jokes with Hugo like this. He was so nervous about my driving, which was in fact, in excellent shape, that I couldn't resist the often poke in his direction.

As soon as we got to my house, I immediately showed him where the phone was, and he quickly got on the line to the car company.

I kept staring at him while he waited for the person to pick up.

Hmmm.. Could he be a potential father?

Hugo caught my stare and mouthed a quick 'what' in my direction. I countered with a 'nothing', then smiled.

Hugo - Oh, hey Butch. It's you. Hahaha. Yeah, again. You'd swear... Yeah, I know. I should be getting tickets, but the thing is, I just need my car...

This conversation went on for about five minutes. I began to feel a bit uneasy. Was he just using me, for free calls?

Until finally, he hung up.

Hugo - Phew. Thanks. Luckily ol' Butch managed to get me off the hook, so I won't be paying any fines. 

Destiny - Ohh. That must be a relief for you?

Hugo - Oh yes. Even with my journalist pay check, I don't want to spend money unnecessarily. So, madam. How can I repay you?

The idea I had been harboring for the past few minutes etched back into my mind. Okay, maybe it was a bit to much to ask for him. I mean, I only borrowed my phone to him. Now I'm expecting him to say yes to having a child? I need therapy..

Destiny - Well. There was one thing... That I had been thinking about.. Though I'm not sure how you will react.

Destiny - How would you feel...about becoming a challenge father?

Hugo - Challenge..father? What does that entail?

Destiny - Well, you know... Be the father of baby #32.

Hugo - Be the father? Oh.

An unexpected move occurred: Hugo moved a step closer to me, staring straight into my eyes. Was he thinking I was joking?

Hugo - I must tell you, I've had my fair share of people that ask weird things in return after they did me a favor... But this.. This exceeds all those.

Destiny - Is that a yes?

Hugo - What else could it be?

Destiny - Oh, hah. Your funny.
Hugo - And my our child be just as funny and glamorous as us!

He leaned in for a kiss. A hint. I couldn't deny his cute face any more than I couldn't deny his humor. So with a shrug in my mind, I returned the kiss.

Let the baby making commence!

Already that evening, nausea set in. For most of my pregnancies, I luckily skipped this part. Now it seemed like it returned.

"Mom, are you okay? You sound like you just threw up..." Eleazar was knocking on my door softly. It was nice to know someone worried about me.

"I'm fine, dear. You go to bed now."

I followed my own advice, dragging the soft sheets over me, and waited till sleep enveloped me.

Unlike other days, I was refreshed and raring to go the next morning. May that have something to do with the baby bump I'be just noticed?

With the boys at school, I took this chance to let the toddlers outside. I expected them to be crawling around, loving the fresh grass under their feet.

But no. Julie decided picking her nose was much more exciting. Sigh.

On the other hand, giving her a teddy bear makes her forget  everything else in the world. She just loves her Sesame Street toys!

With Julie being entertained by a toy, Infinity had nothing else to do. So I picked him up, brought him outside as well and tough him how to talk.

Destiny - You see there. Your sister... I mean, your aunt, is playing with a toy! Can you say toy, sweetie?

Infinity - Swea-tlie?

Destiny - No, it's swee-tie. But I asked you to say toy! 

Infinity - Toy?

Destiny - You just said it.. Your such a big boy...!

There wasn't much food in the house. And the boys didn't much like salad or pasta, or anything more fancier than pizza. So I made the almost equivalent, which is hot dogs. 

"I wonder what the boys would think if I made this every night.. Sure is easy to make and cheap enough.. But not healthy! No, no.." I mused out loud for a couple of a minutes, watching the dish rotate. Maybe standing close to the microwave is also a bad idea..

Destiny - Dinner is ready!

Tait - Aw, really? I was just finishing up my painting.. You have to see it, ma.

At this comment, I couldn't help but smile. Tait was proving to be very artistic.

Eleazar - You hardly ever leave the study at all, you know. All that pressure has gotta be bad for you.

Tait - What pressure. Painting is an enjoyment. I love it with all my heart. Just like I love mom.

Eleazar - Hmm. That's not a bad line. Maybe I could use it to find girls...

Soon we were all munching into the food. The air was filled with silent crunching, and no conversation at all. Not what you would call a real family dinner, but it was great to me. I loved that I had this little extra time with the boys, before they move out one day.

After dinner, Tait ushered me to the study with a few "Ma! Ma! Come on, Ma!"s. He looked so excited, I couldn't say no. Plus, I was indeed very curious as to how his painting look like.

Tait - So, what do you say mom? How does it look so far? Not to bad?

Destiny - Oh, my. It's..absolutely brilliant. If only I was able to paint like that when I was your age!
Tait was progressing more and more with his painting skill. I absolutely loved his style already. He will definitely become very famous in Sunset Valley! Maybe he'll even become as great as the grand masters themselves.

Eleazar on the other hand, challenged me to a more intellectual sport. Now even though I had received many A's in school, doesn't mean I'm very good at chess.

Eleazar - Mom. You have to strategize your next move. Not just react to some emotion.

Destiny - For a boy who almost always just thinks about girls, you surely do know a lot about chess.

Eleazar - Of course. Erica taught me.

Destiny - Erica...?

Eleazar - Yeah. One of my pal's sister. Timothy is grinding me because I like her and... Uhm. Never mind.

Unknown to me and Eleazar at the time, Tait had sneaked off to the nursery, for.. Well, let's just say "inappropriate" behavior. He's conniving part had sparked up, and now Infinity was to be his first victim.

Infinity was so happy with Tait, with his arms outreached. Was he expecting his bottle, which he loved so much? Or a teddy?

Tait - Hah, you pathetic toddler! You have no strength like I do! You will never be as awesome as me! Look at me, look at me! I have your candy! I have your candy!

Now to quote one of my favorite quotes, Infinity very much had a look that said:

"Oh no he didn't!"

Poor Infinity. Don't worry, mommy is coming.

Immediately after, Infinity burst out crying, alerting me and Eleazar that something was definitely wrong.

Tait - Ah. It's good to be evil at times...

I was appalled by what Tait did, but I couldn't blame him. He was born with evil genes in him, from where, I don't know. But it's there. And he couldn't help but act on it at times. So all I could do was try and talk nicely.

Destiny - Tait. In our house, we do NOT steal anything. Not from your brothers or sisters, not from me, and certainly not the babysitter if one would ever come.  I know it may be who you are, but please, try and tune it down?

Tait - But ma.. Andre at school told me it's the new cool thing to do!

Destiny - Well, you are not Andre. You are not going to be the one who's going to land in the principal's office because of stealing, alright?

Tait - The principal's office? Please no. Mr. Clive... Don't throw me to the dogs, ma! Becuz he's like a dog...

So, Tait was afraid of his principal, and would do anything to avoid him. But would this keep him out of trouble, anyways.

Eleazar - Yippee! Family issue resolved peacefully! No hitting, no biting, and certainly no foul words. Aren't we a great family?

Tait - Are you sure your a boy? 'Cuz you don't act that way much.

Of course, Infinity was still on the ground, crying for our attention.

"Tait, when Infinity is a child, your gonna apologize for your rude behavior through and through, alright?" I requested to my green-colored son.

"Sir, yes sir," was the only answer I got.

"Sweetheart, it's fine. Tait won't do it again.. Don't cry, little one," I comforted Infinity with my words, hoping that it would comfort him at least. To me, not so much. I couldn't really guarantee that Tait wouldn't do it again. That I left up to my son.

A little later, Kate had called me and told me to check my e-mail. Usually this is a fine request, as I'm a genius when it comes to computers. But load a virus on your PC, then everyone is down the drain. I spent two hours with my anti-virus program before I finally found the corrupt file and managed to delete it.

Now I could move on to my e-mail.

I clicked enter on the first one. Hmm. From some health insurance. May check into that later. Nothing to interesting on the second. Third was a school reunion invitation. Wow. How long had it been since I was in high school? Since I graduated?

Moving on to the fourth, I found the letter from Kate.

Mom, I have great news! I just got a new job at the Elementary School. It seems working in kitchens and cleaning greasy tables weren't going to work for me, so I quit at the diner. I think  may have found my calling here. It's fantastic! I only have to babysit classes now, but maybe later, I can get a promotion! Signing off, talk to you later. I ♥ u.


I laughed out loud for a few seconds. She's so confused with what she wants to do in her life.

I sent back a e-mail detailing how the boys were doing, the accident with Tait and Infinity, how Julie was growing up to be so pretty, and the address of our new house.

Pressing 'send', I moved on to the next few e-mails. Some were about my blog. (E-mails being comments. Thanks for all of your words; we really appreciate it!)

Possibly the most interesting and heartbreaking on was a e-mail from Clara.

Hello Rose peeps. How's life treating you guys? Just wanted to let you know Corbin and I got engaged, not yet married. But we already have a little girl! We named her Keli, sort of named after the K-triplets. So, drop by at anytime for a vist; we'd love that! Hope to see you soon, mom. And happy mother's day to you!

-C & C

C & . That's what they called themselves. It was cute, if you liked that sort of thing. Ah well. Time to move on from that chapter of my life. It's over, get over it. But that's much harder than it sounds.

It warmed my heart a little when she wished me a happy mother's day though. I just hope Corbin wishes her the same.

I checked my phone for any messages. Hah. Kalia sent one.

Srry mom. Thx 4 being ther 4 me. I miss Julie, bt plz take care of her 4 me. I wdln't b able 2 giv her a gud life. Tlk 2 u l8r. I will explain.
PS: Hppy Mother's day.

So she did care, I thought with relief. Whatever was wrong, Kalia seemed under a lot of stress and pressure. I would visit her later. And of course, bring Julie with.

There was quite an unexpected ring emanating from the front door, which snapped me back to reality.

"Anyone home?" a voice called. A female voice.

"Helloooo? I did ring the bell, but the door is..kinda open. May wanna lock that, guys. Guys? Mom?"

Destiny - (smiling) So, what brings you here, Kate?

Kate - I just got your e-mail, and when I heard you moved, I high tailed it over here. You wouldn't know how long it took for me to manage the GPS until I finally found your house. It looks great, I have to say!

Destiny - Why thank you, we were going for great! 

Kate requested to feel my tummy, and I allowed it. It was nice to have others experience something of what I was feeling.

Kate - Actually, I'm here to say something else really. Happy Mother's day!

Destiny - Sweetie! That wasn't necessary! You could have just e-mailed me. But a home visit.. Thank you. I miss you guys a lot.

Kate - My pleasure. Oh, so how many babies are you expecting this time? Twins?

Destiny - I can only hope.

Destiny - Would you like to stay over for a night? It's already so dark, and I don't want you to drive home in the middle of the night!

Kate - Mom! Your such a worry wart! But if it makes you feel any better, I'll stay. I presume you have a guest room? I have to call Leighton.

Knowing that Kate was here, safe, brought comfort over me. And being heavily pregnant as I was now, comfort can also be interpreted as tiredness.

But sleep eludes me yet again. 5:00 AM. Labor.

I drove myself to the hospital that morning, hoping Kate would stay there long enough to take care of the kids.

I walked in heavily pregnant, and came out with a big surprise, which is; a baby carrier.

Ladies and gentleman, I present to you:

Lanica Rose

Aimee Rose

Kinsleigh Rose
A full house again. Finally!

To all the mothers and challenge mothers, the Rose family wishes you a
Happy Mother's Day!

Hello, and thank you for reading this post! It is very much appreciated, through and through. Apologies for the late post, but I currently have a few projects to complete and it takes A LOT of time to complete unfortunately.

If you have any complaints, criteria, name suggestions or anything like that, I would love it, any any type of feedback is good feedback! All of this can be left in the form of comments, or you can reach me at


  1. great post! :) my name in real life is Kinleigh (so close to your baby girl!) Happy mothers day to miss destiny!

  2. Haha. I'm glad you noticed. I saw your name on on the Sims 3 site, and I very much liked the name 'Kinleigh'. But there were some modified versions, so I chose Kinsleigh. So you can say I named her after you! :D

    Happy Mother's day to Catherine Bell. :)

  3. Great post! I love the challenge father this time. His personality was SO unlike mine which is probably why I like him. I love the triplets and I hope they get the personality of their father. Did you make the house? Because it looks fantastic! I hope Destiny starts to feel better. I don't want to make Destiny feel bad but I kind of want to see what Keli looks like....

  4. No worries! Next post, and probably the ones after that, will handle over that!

    And no, I didn't make the house, though I did have to sort of demolish some walls to create enough room for the girl and boys room. And I decorated that and had to build the nursery, because there really wasn't any nice space for that anywhere else.

    I downloaded the house from VonAsh Creations, the Alto home.

  5. How I ♥ the new house! VonAsch creates some real beauties. Congrats on the triplets, finally. :) How did you manage to get that one?

  6. I just had triplets. UGH. Any tips, anyone? Lol. Anywho, umm...I was wondering...
    OK, for links. I have to type "My Blog" and then Copy-Paste the link and it's all long like this
    My question: how do I get it so when u click on the words "My Blog" it goes automactically to the link?


  7. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I had quite a tough time handling these new additions to my home. With teaching them skills, with feeding them, with keeping them entertained... >.< I'll post a comment on your blog, mkay?

    And about links. Your talking about a putting a word into a link. You can google that (I HIGHLY advise it), or do what I do. Paste something into Microsoft Word, right click, REMOVE HYPERLINK, then again, right click, HYPERLINK. A tab shoukd appear and at the top of it, "Text to Display". Edit what you wanna say, press okay, and then you have it. :D

  8. Oh, if I gave you the wrong advice and I misunderstood what you just said, I apologize. I'm typing this at about six AM in the morning, and I'm way confused now.

  9. @izzi654: OMG, blogger deleted my comments I had posted in response to you two days ago. O.O Crap.

  10. Okay, to re-comment on your comment..

    I posted a comment on your blog about the triplets issue. Trust me, I know what your going through. The current triplets I have(who are now already children in my game, sorry for not updating so much!) were REALLY a handful to handle.

  11. And about the links; from what I can understand, I'm thinking your talking about putting a word into a link? You can google that, because it's a very long explanation, if it would be coming fro me.

    What I do, is copy and paste the link into a word file, then right click on the link. Remove the hyperlink (which should change it from blue text to normal; NOTE - sometimes if you copy and paste, the link may be normal text. Or that could just be with one of my browsers.).

    Highlight the text, then right click, then 'Hyperlink".

    In the upper part of the small screen that should pop up, there should stand 'text to display', like 'My blog'. Now you can edit that, and when your done, press ok.

    Now you can copy and paste that, for example, on one of your blog pages, then it should work.

  12. If that's confusing, I apologize. I'm having a shortage on caffeine and it's taken a toll for the worst! I'm literally almost sleeping at my computer. :)

  13. The father of this post is very funny, I must admit. It's actually a very creative idea, how you met him. I really hope to find out more about Clara soon.

  14. Wow! Great post! I loved the new house! :)And congrats on triplets. I really liked the creative way Destiny met the latest challenge father. I hope Destiny can move on from Corbin and be happy for her daughter. Plus, I really want to see Keli!
